Experience the Magic

of the Meows

  • Pricing

    Weekdays (M-F)
    $10/person (13+)
    $8/person (Ages 3-12)

    Weekends (Sat & Sun)
    $12 /person (13+)
    $10/person (Ages 3-12)

    *Socks are required

  • Cat Sanctuary

    Timeslots: 45-minute sessions starting every hour on the hour.

    Max of 10 people per session

    Includes both cat rooms! Time is spent split between the ‘streets of paris’ adult cat room and our kitten room.

    Reminder socks are required for entry.

  • Foster Home

    At Starry Night Cat Cafe, our dedicated cat sanctuary provides a home-like environment for shelter cats from the Portage County Humane Society.

    Our foster program focuses on socializing and nurturing shelter cats, helping them build the confidence they need to find their furever homes.

Read & Sign Waiver before purchasing cat sanctuary tickets

Cats | Coffee | Creativity